Ports Propres actifs en biodiversité

Ports Propres actifs en biodiversité certification is available all over the world.

This certification is a voluntary approach by marina managers who are in­creasingly conscious of the need to act for biodiversity. They have to be certified Clean Habours Guidelines to canditate to the this certification.

The Ports Propres actifs en biodiversité process comprises 4 steps:

  • Biodiversity diagnosis. This step include an action plan;
  • Biodiversity equipements and good environmental practices;
  • Marina staff training and biodiversity management;
  • Biodiversité awareness and communication plan.

Once the process implemented, the marina may request Ports Propres actifs en biodiversité certification. AFNOR certifiers are in charge of certification assessments according to the referential and of granting certification in a neutral and inde­pendent manner. Certification is granted for a period of three years with yearly monitoring assessments.

You will recognise Ports Propres actifs en biodiversité certified marinas thanks to visible communication equipment implemented on the site, notably Ports Propres actifs en biodiversité flags flying at the port authority.

This signage means that the harbour is certified .This signage is protected by a copyright.

It will gradually be replaced by the one below as soon as a port has passed an audit (initial/monitoring/renewal) according to the criteria of the standard ISO 18725 “Clean Harbours” (effective as of 01/11/24 ).